to know the content or point of agreement. you can see the video or read it directly from the link below.
Selasa, 22 Juli 2014
The agreement of the Prophet Muhammad to the Christians of Najran
The agreement was signed on the 9th Hijri year after the events of Mubahala between the Prophet and the Christians of Najran (a scenic area consisting of seventeen villages in the border of Hijaz and Yemen). The agreement itself is an example of the principles of political ethics-related legal rights Prophet. In a letter of agreement, he asked them to pay the jizya and instead, he expressed his willingness to protect their lives and property. This agreement is an example of compassion and justice in Islam, as well as ensure the preservation of the rights of Najran. Examples of this affection can be seen in the first clause of the agreement. Described in this clause, after the Christians of Najran and leave the decision to cancel Mubahala related fruits, possessions, and their slaves to the Holy Prophet, he returns everything to them, and only a small amount of tax levy (that is not because they are the losers , but because of his commitment to the other items of the agreement, which guarantees the safety and property of residents of Najran).
Definition of soul
"Soul is enhance (make it perfection) for naturally physic that potentially has a life" (Aristoteles).
This topic, is one chapter from book by Avicenna and edited by Irwan Kurniawan entitled "Psikologi Ibnu Sinna" ( Psychology of Avicenna ).
Broadly Speaking the part or faculty -hereafter referred to faculty- the self employed in physic, divided into two parts.
First, faculty that do activities in physic deliberately with base his own will, divided into two parts. (1) which has plurality purpose and choices, making the activity in physic, has many aspect and different way, although because differences in the absence ('adam) and talents (malakah), such as motion and motionless, as well as opposing aspects, such as the movement 'bottom up' and 'top down'. (2) which have unity of purpose and choice that also has an aspect of its activities and way.
Second, faculty that conduct their activities in the physical work on the basis of necessity, without a purpose and preferred, split in two. (1) which have a unified course of action, such as active faculty in the upward movement of fire, and (2) which has a plurality of actions, such as active faculty in plants growing in different directions.
so the actual number of faculty is 4, and each has its own name.
faculty actively working with compulsion in one direction is called 'character' (thabi'ah).
faculty actively working with compulsion in diversity direction called 'vegetal soul' (an-nafs an-nabatiyyah).
faculty actively working with a purpose and different choices which lead to differences in the actions that happened to her so-called 'animal soul' (an-nafs al-hayaawaniyyah)
faculty actively working with a purpose and choice in the unity of purpose and direction are called 'angels soul' (an-nafs al-malakiyyah).
Next time, I will use word that's more easily understood, and English arrangement that not embarrassing, "llike this".
This topic, is one chapter from book by Avicenna and edited by Irwan Kurniawan entitled "Psikologi Ibnu Sinna" ( Psychology of Avicenna ).
Broadly Speaking the part or faculty -hereafter referred to faculty- the self employed in physic, divided into two parts.
First, faculty that do activities in physic deliberately with base his own will, divided into two parts. (1) which has plurality purpose and choices, making the activity in physic, has many aspect and different way, although because differences in the absence ('adam) and talents (malakah), such as motion and motionless, as well as opposing aspects, such as the movement 'bottom up' and 'top down'. (2) which have unity of purpose and choice that also has an aspect of its activities and way.
Second, faculty that conduct their activities in the physical work on the basis of necessity, without a purpose and preferred, split in two. (1) which have a unified course of action, such as active faculty in the upward movement of fire, and (2) which has a plurality of actions, such as active faculty in plants growing in different directions.
so the actual number of faculty is 4, and each has its own name.
faculty actively working with compulsion in one direction is called 'character' (thabi'ah).
faculty actively working with compulsion in diversity direction called 'vegetal soul' (an-nafs an-nabatiyyah).
faculty actively working with a purpose and different choices which lead to differences in the actions that happened to her so-called 'animal soul' (an-nafs al-hayaawaniyyah)
faculty actively working with a purpose and choice in the unity of purpose and direction are called 'angels soul' (an-nafs al-malakiyyah).
Next time, I will use word that's more easily understood, and English arrangement that not embarrassing, "llike this".
Selasa, 15 Juli 2014
"Artikel ini saya buat setelah saya membaca artikel dari yang berjudul kurang lebih sama dalam bahasa inggris. Saya pikir ada baiknya jika menuangkannya kedalam bahasa indonesia. karena tidak jarang kita melihat fenomena ini bahkan terkadang kita sendiri mengalaminya. ---saya rekomendasikan, jika ingin mendapatkan sumber aslinya silahkan berkunjung ke website berikut, karena yang saya tulis mungkin tidak akan persis sama---klik ini "
Mengapa orang yang kita sayang terkadang kita perlakukan dengan cara yang terkadang "bisa dibilang masam"? Jika begitu bukankah sangat jauh dari kebijaksanaan. Tidak jarang kita menyaksikan hal ini, jika sekilas berfikir akan fenomena ini, orang ini mungkin mengira bahwa bermesra-mesra atau bermuka manis kepada orang yang sering ditemui itu kemunafikan... atau buat apa ber-drama...apalagi di hadapan orang lain. ---awasi selalu gerak gerik hati anda---
Boleh jadi ada situasi begini didalam hati seorang teman, kita saat kita pertama bertemu kau menuangkan cintamu tapi sekarang kau melihatku seperti melihat hal yang menjijikan. "oh... aku benci kau begitu baik kesemua orang tapi pada ku tidak", dan mungkin anda menjawabnya toleransi ku kepada hal yang tidak aku sukai berkurang.
Padahal kenyataanya, toleransi anda untuk bertindak negatif kepada pasangan,teman,orang yang dicintai yang meningkat.
Tentunya kita juga merasa bersalah ketika kita menyadari berlaku yang tidak baik kepada orang tersebut. Dan kemudian ingin berlaku baik dengan mereka...JADI MENGAPA KITA MEMPERLAKUKAN DIA DENGAN BURUK?
Sebenarnya Agama menjelaskan akan hal ini dengan sangat jelas... cobalah mengingat hal yang indah-indah dari pasangan anda sehingga hadir di hati anda rasa syukur memiliki dan bersamanya.
Alex Lickerman, M.D. in Happiness in this World dalam tulisannya di psychologytoday menyarankan 3 strategi untuk menyiasati hal ini.
1. Coba bayangkan anda kehilangan orang yang anda cintai dalam hidup anda
2. Ajak orang yang anda cintai berkumpul dengan orang yang sama sekali belum mereka kenal.
3. Jaga jarak dengan orang yang anda cintai seperlunya.
saya tidak menulis tujuan dari tiga langkah tersebut, dan bagaimana mengaplikasikannya... untuk lebih jelasnya tentang langkah tersebut silahkan kunjungi halaman klik ini.
semoga tulisan ini membantu dan dapat mengurangi angka "PERCERAIAN YANG PENYEBABNYA TIDAK MASUK DIAKAL"
Mengapa orang yang kita sayang terkadang kita perlakukan dengan cara yang terkadang "bisa dibilang masam"? Jika begitu bukankah sangat jauh dari kebijaksanaan. Tidak jarang kita menyaksikan hal ini, jika sekilas berfikir akan fenomena ini, orang ini mungkin mengira bahwa bermesra-mesra atau bermuka manis kepada orang yang sering ditemui itu kemunafikan... atau buat apa ber-drama...apalagi di hadapan orang lain. ---awasi selalu gerak gerik hati anda---
Boleh jadi ada situasi begini didalam hati seorang teman, kita saat kita pertama bertemu kau menuangkan cintamu tapi sekarang kau melihatku seperti melihat hal yang menjijikan. "oh... aku benci kau begitu baik kesemua orang tapi pada ku tidak", dan mungkin anda menjawabnya toleransi ku kepada hal yang tidak aku sukai berkurang.
Padahal kenyataanya, toleransi anda untuk bertindak negatif kepada pasangan,teman,orang yang dicintai yang meningkat.
Tentunya kita juga merasa bersalah ketika kita menyadari berlaku yang tidak baik kepada orang tersebut. Dan kemudian ingin berlaku baik dengan mereka...JADI MENGAPA KITA MEMPERLAKUKAN DIA DENGAN BURUK?
Sebenarnya Agama menjelaskan akan hal ini dengan sangat jelas... cobalah mengingat hal yang indah-indah dari pasangan anda sehingga hadir di hati anda rasa syukur memiliki dan bersamanya.
Alex Lickerman, M.D. in Happiness in this World dalam tulisannya di psychologytoday menyarankan 3 strategi untuk menyiasati hal ini.
1. Coba bayangkan anda kehilangan orang yang anda cintai dalam hidup anda
2. Ajak orang yang anda cintai berkumpul dengan orang yang sama sekali belum mereka kenal.
3. Jaga jarak dengan orang yang anda cintai seperlunya.
saya tidak menulis tujuan dari tiga langkah tersebut, dan bagaimana mengaplikasikannya... untuk lebih jelasnya tentang langkah tersebut silahkan kunjungi halaman klik ini.
semoga tulisan ini membantu dan dapat mengurangi angka "PERCERAIAN YANG PENYEBABNYA TIDAK MASUK DIAKAL"
Senin, 17 Juni 2013
Universitas Budiluhur Kampus Teknologi Informasi
Kampus Teknologi Informasi
-Universitas Budi Luhur-
Di Indonesia, ada banyak sekali universitas yang memiliki Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, salah satu yang hebat di antaranya adalah Universitas Budi Luhur, yang merupakan pelopor perguruan tinggi swasta komputer di Indonesia yang telah berdiri 34 tahun yang lalu, dengan nama AIK Budi Luhur. Yang mana saat itu belum ada internet di Indonesia, bahkan microprocessor pun belum lama ada. Dengan alasan kedewasaan ini tidak muluk-muluk jika Universitas Budi Luhur dapat menjadi Universitas Teknologi Informasi terdepan di Indonesia.
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi di Universitas Budi Luhur, adalah fakultas yang paling populer di Kampus ini, tidak sedikit yang mengatakan kalau Universitas Budi Luhur adalah Kampus Teknologi Informasi atau Kampus Komputer. Karena memang perguruan ini dulunya bernama AIK (Akademi Ilmu Komputer) Budi Luhur.
FTI (Fakultas Teknologi Informasi) di Budi Luhur memiliki 3 Program Studi yaitu TI (Teknik Informatika), SI (Sistem Informasi), SK (Sistem Komputer). Visi nya menjadi Fakultas Teknologi Informasi unggul dengan standar mutu tertinggi dalam bidang sistem informasi, teknik informatika dan sistem komputer yang dilandasi kecerdasan dan keluhuran budi, pada tahun 2020.
Salah satu bentuk keseriusan universitas ini dalam mewujudkan visinya adalah banyaknya lab komputer yang disediakan untuk mahasiswa, tenaga pengajar yang mumpuni, dan fasilitas pendukung pengajaran yang memadai.
Jika anda ingin melihat website FTI budiluhur dapat klik disini
Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013
Universitas Budi Luhur Terbaik di Jakarta

Universitas yang berlokasi di Pertukangan Utara ini tepatnya di Jl. Ciledug Raya. sebenarnya tidaklah universitas yang berada di peringkat teratas di Indonesia, menurut sebuah organisasi yang me rangking universitas di dunia, yaitu webometrics, menurutnya Universitas Budiluhur berada di peringkat ke 103 di Indonesia dan jika dikelompokan kedalam universitas swasta saja, Universitas Budi Luhur berada di peringkat ke 61. Anda dapat click link di bawah ini untuk melihat daftar rangking universitas di Indonesia.
Universitas Budi Luhur terbaik di Jakarta
Sedangakan untuk akreditasi sendiri rata-rata semua program studi mendapat akreditasi B hanya Teknik Informatika yang mendapat akreditasi C, untuk jenjang S1.
jika anda ingin melihat hasil akreditasi Universitas di Indonesia, silahkan click link dibawah ini.
Universitas budi luhur terbaik di jakarta
Lalu kenapa saya katakan Universitas Budi Luhur terbagus di Jakarta, itu karena, disinilah saya melanjutkan studi dan memang saya merasa sangat nyaman disini. Ya, penilaian saya sangat subjektif, walaupun demikian. saya optimis Universitas Budi Luhur akan menjadi universitas terbaik dan terbagus di Jakarta dan bahkan Indonesia.
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
Extend range of wireless LAN part 1 (introduction)
Reference from chip magazine.
Basically, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is a wave / radio frequency used and developed for computer. Like all radio system, the main problem often faced is signal interference. If you hear static sound in the radio, this is an indication of a disturbance.
Same thing applies to Wi-Fi. things that may interfere Wi-Fi signal is the wave of microwave oven, another Access Point, or even the high speed of the computer processor. The best solution that you can do to extend the range of the WI-Fi signal and overcome interference of radio waves is to add an external antenna to get a system with good capabilities to received signal. either that often confuse users is how to chose Wi-Fi antenna accordingly.
This is necessary knowledge to chose Wi-Fi antenna :
Definition of frequency and wave
Frequency and wavelength are interconnected. if the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases and vice versa.
Frequency: is the amount for which an oscillating radio signal moves from positive to negative. wavelength: the full cycle of the oscillation the radio signal.
Wavelength size usually are represented in metric units (meters, centimeters, and so on). while the frequency is a count of the number of waves that occur during a specified time, usually in units per second, which is denoted as Hertz (Hz).
Avoid microwave that uses the same frequency bands with WI-Fi, avoid placing the device in close proximity.
Standardization of Wi-Fi
Before discussing the antenna, it helps us review a little about the standardization of Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi 802.11a standard operates in the 5 GHz frequency range, which has a much faster transfer rate compared to the 802.11b standard. Unfortunately, this frequency has a weakness, namely because of the longer range signals that reach elusive. This led to high investment costs antenna. in addition, the provisions of international regulations also restrict the use of these frequencies. The problem is what causes the standard Wi-Fi 802.11a Wireless networks are rarely used.
Meanwhile, 802.11b and 802.11g standards use the same frequency that is 2.4 GHz with a wavelength of about 12 cm. Because the wavelength is relatively short, it is necessary that the antenna design is relatively smaller. This makes the 2.4 GHz frequency is used as the standard Wi-Fi internationally.
The interesting thing from the standard "g" is the compatibility with 802.11b. which means that the product has a standard "b" can be connected directly to a standard "g" without the need to upgrade hardware.
Wi-Fi Channel
Wi-Fi consists of 14 channels that have been agreed internationally. Channels used in each country is different. Wi-Fi in the table below shows each channel and the frequency used by countries in the world (of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, using channel 1 to channel 11 as a standard Wi-Fi). This scheme is still overlapping with channel radio technology that exists today. It is defined by the IEEE standard, for example, channel 6 based in 2.437GHZ, but extending in both directions by 11 MHz (0.011 GHz). this means that the channel 6 using frequency 2.426 GHz.
will continue on the second part.
Same thing applies to Wi-Fi. things that may interfere Wi-Fi signal is the wave of microwave oven, another Access Point, or even the high speed of the computer processor. The best solution that you can do to extend the range of the WI-Fi signal and overcome interference of radio waves is to add an external antenna to get a system with good capabilities to received signal. either that often confuse users is how to chose Wi-Fi antenna accordingly.
This is necessary knowledge to chose Wi-Fi antenna :
Definition of frequency and wave
Frequency and wavelength are interconnected. if the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases and vice versa.
Frequency: is the amount for which an oscillating radio signal moves from positive to negative. wavelength: the full cycle of the oscillation the radio signal.
Wavelength size usually are represented in metric units (meters, centimeters, and so on). while the frequency is a count of the number of waves that occur during a specified time, usually in units per second, which is denoted as Hertz (Hz).
Avoid microwave that uses the same frequency bands with WI-Fi, avoid placing the device in close proximity.
Standardization of Wi-Fi
Before discussing the antenna, it helps us review a little about the standardization of Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi 802.11a standard operates in the 5 GHz frequency range, which has a much faster transfer rate compared to the 802.11b standard. Unfortunately, this frequency has a weakness, namely because of the longer range signals that reach elusive. This led to high investment costs antenna. in addition, the provisions of international regulations also restrict the use of these frequencies. The problem is what causes the standard Wi-Fi 802.11a Wireless networks are rarely used.
Meanwhile, 802.11b and 802.11g standards use the same frequency that is 2.4 GHz with a wavelength of about 12 cm. Because the wavelength is relatively short, it is necessary that the antenna design is relatively smaller. This makes the 2.4 GHz frequency is used as the standard Wi-Fi internationally.
The interesting thing from the standard "g" is the compatibility with 802.11b. which means that the product has a standard "b" can be connected directly to a standard "g" without the need to upgrade hardware.
Wi-Fi Channel
Wi-Fi consists of 14 channels that have been agreed internationally. Channels used in each country is different. Wi-Fi in the table below shows each channel and the frequency used by countries in the world (of Southeast Asia including Indonesia, using channel 1 to channel 11 as a standard Wi-Fi). This scheme is still overlapping with channel radio technology that exists today. It is defined by the IEEE standard, for example, channel 6 based in 2.437GHZ, but extending in both directions by 11 MHz (0.011 GHz). this means that the channel 6 using frequency 2.426 GHz.
will continue on the second part.
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